Americans who lean right (Republicans, Libertarians, and Independents) frequent our sites regularly for conservative commentary.
News Junkies
Most members of our audience have an appetite for news and commentary, and they value staying well-informed.
Most of our audience members are college graduates, and a healthy portion have achieved a post-graduate education.
Our audience includes the grandparents and retirees — with varied interests and a large amount of free time and spending money.
Home Owners
Many members of our audience own their own homes, and enjoy home improvement and landscaping.
Sports Fans
Much of our audience loves American sports and keeps up with them — from college football to NASCAR.
Gun enthusiasts, hunters, fishermen, campers, and other outdoorsmen regularly follow our sites.
Our Network Stats
Monthly Reach
15 Million Views
7 Million Unique Visitors
35 Million Ad Impressions
2 Million E-mail Subscribers
Average Income:
50K to 100K/per year
Average Age:
40+ years old
Average Education:
College Graduate
Social Media Reach
2.5 Million
Likes on Facebook
580 Thousand
Ad Sizes
Desktop & Tablet
Above the Fold (ATF)
970×250, 728×90, 336×280, 300×250, 300×600, and 160×600.
Below the Fold (BTF)
728×90, 300×250, 336×280, 300×600, and 160×600.
Also Available (Lesser Served)
970×90, 120×600, 468×60, and 320×50.
Contact us for more information on email list sizes and pricing.
Asynchronous Interstitials, 320×50, 300×250, 300×600, and 160×600.
On 5 Inch Small Tablets (Lesser Served)
120×600, 468×60, and 336×280.
Video Vast
Email us at for more information on placement locations.